Monday, March 12, 2012

Rolling Stone

I just had the most inpiring tutorial of my life. I walked in about 2 mins late, to find some Johnny Depp looking character taking ym class. I found a seat and quietly tried to pick up the trail of conversation; interview techniques, this is journalism after all.
In my usual fashion I made my voice heard and engaged on whatever perspectives I could, I find that understanding the practicality of a subject sometimes makes up for the theory, so i'm not really one for notes. Discussing all the Rolling Stone South Africa issues as we passed them around, Myles Keylock discussed his journey as a music journalist, littering his formal lecture with stories of jazz icons and rock legends. He laughed about embaressing himself in front of Joss Stone and spending a week with Hugh Masekela talking about 'pussy', and i couldnt help but be drawn in by his mad-hatter demanour and rock and roll roadie attitude.
I answered a question of his refenecing one fo the articles in a recent issue of the publication, critising the format and questioning the sentence structure, to which he replied 'that was a bad on my part, I shouldnt have let that through'. It was an odd statement to make by a freelancde journalist, so i looked him up in the indix of the magazine...To my shock...he's the Editor-In-Chief of the whole thing.

Inspiration doesn't come close to covering what's happening in me right now.

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